Code of Professional Ethics For physiotherapists and practitioners
Article 1:
The profession of physical therapy has been distinguished among other medical professions by its giving since the beginning of creation and the dawn of history with great immortal traditions, a generous code of honor and an oath that was customary for the members of the Association to take before practicing the profession before the President of the Physical Therapy Syndicate or his representative as follows: "I swear by Almighty God to perform the work of my profession with honesty and honor, to keep its secrets and to respect its laws, etiquette and traditions."
Duties of members in society
Article 2:
The member in his private or official work position is recruited to serve the community through his profession and with all his capabilities and energies in conditions of peace and war.
Article 3:
The member shall contribute to the study and solution of the health problems of the community, and participate in the contribution of the Association in order to raise the level of performance of treatment services provided to all citizens in order to serve the general policy of the State.
Article 4:
The member must be a role model in his community in supporting democratic values and ideas, faithful to the rights of citizens in treatment services, free from the financial exploitation of his patients or colleagues.
Article 5:
The member must be cooperative with the health authorities of the state in requesting data or statistics necessary for the development of health policy and plans.
Duties of members towards their profession
Article 6:
Each member registered in the Syndicate's schedules must pay the annual subscription no later than the end of December of each year.
Article 7:
The member shall observe accuracy and honesty in all his actions and shall preserve his dignity and the dignity of the profession.
He shall not perform any act contrary to the dignity of the profession or with the requirements of honor and honesty.
Article 8:
A member may not draw up a therapeutic report, testimony or evaluation of the heterogeneity of truth.
Article 9:
A member may not perform one of the following acts:
a) The use of intermediaries to exploit the profession, whether paid or unpaid.
b) Allow his name to be used in the promotion of devices used in various types of physiotherapy.
c) Lending his name for commercial purposes on any form.
d) Requesting or accepting a reward or remuneration of any kind in exchange
for pledging to prescribe certain devices to patients or sending them to a hospital, treatment center or a specific place for the sale of prosthetic devices.
e) Carrying out consulting procedures in shops and accessories that are intended for the sale of devices that are indicated to be used, whether for free or for a salary or reward.
f) To share his wages with any of his colleagues except those who actually participate with him in the treatment, and it is not permissible for him to work as a mediator in any way.
Article 10:
The member may use any means of information about a new method of treatment with the intention of using it.
If it is proven that it has been tested and proven valid and published
in medical journals, it is not permissible to attribute to himself without the right to any scientific disclosure.
Article 11:
It is not permissible for a member in any way to advertise himself, whether by publication, broadcasting, animation or any other method of media.
Article 12:
When opening or transferring a treatment center, a member may not announce it more than three times in one newspaper, and if he is absent from his treatment center for more than two weeks, he may publish in one newspaper and in ordinary letters two announcements, the first before the absence and the second after.
Article 13:
The member must confine himself in publications, treatment tickets and the like, and the door sign to mentioning his name, surname, address, academic and honorary degrees, type of specialization,
working hours, and his telephone number, and all the data mentioned must be in accordance with the truth and what is registered in the union's register. In the case of changing the location of the treatment center, it is permissible The two members may place an advertisement with his new address for a period of six months at most in the place he left.
Article 14:
It is not permissible for the member to exploit his position with the intention of benefiting from the work of the profession or obtaining material gain from the patient in exchange for work that falls within the competence of his original job for which he is paid from another party.
Article 15:
The member must abide by the maximum fees he receives in cases of evaluation and treatment according to the schedule drawn up by the Association Council and approved by the Minister of Health and Population.
Duties of members towards their patients
Article 16:
The member shall do everything in his power towards his patients, work to relieve pain, treat them with compassion and tenderness, be equal among them in care and not discriminate between them because of their moral or social status or personal feeling towards them.
Article 17:
A member may apologize for treating any patient from the outset for ersonal or professional reasons, but may not refuse to treat the patient if another colleague is not available.
Article 18:
to treat the patient if another colleague is not available.
When the member ceases to treat one of his patients for any reason, he must provide his colleague who replaces him in the treatment with the information he believes is necessary for the continuation of the treatment if he is asked to do so.
Article 19:
The member shall advise the patient and his family to take the secrets of the Ministry, guide them to them and warn them of the consequences of not observing them.
Article 20:
The member shall do his utmost to treat a minor patient, incapacitated or unconscious if he is required to do so, even if he finds the consent of his guardian, guardian or custodian. He should not step down from his treatment unless the continuation of the treatment becomes useless or the treatment
is entrusted to another colleague.
Article 21:
A member may not disclose the secrets of his patient that he has come to know by virtue of his profession.
Article 22:
The member shall, if necessary, accept or invite the consultation of another specialist approved by the patient and his family.
Article 23:
The member may not exploit his relationship with the patient and his family symptoms are contrary to the dignity of the profession.
Article 24:
A member may inform the Public Prosecution of any attack on him due to the performance of his profession before informing the competent sub-syndicate, provided that he informs the syndicate at the earliest opportunity.
Article 25:
member may not resort to the judiciary regarding the treatment fee for a patient before resorting to the competent LACPA Council.
Article 26:
The member must implement the decisions of the General Assembly and the Council of the Association, whether at the level of the General Association or the sub-syndicates, and the member of the Association who violates the code of ethics and the code of ethics of the profession exposes himself to the application of Articles 45 to 62 of Law 209 of 1994 on discipline.
Duties of members towards their colleagues
If a dispute arises between a member of the Association and one of his colleagues or one of the members of the Board of Directors, the member may not deviate from the general morals and traditions and mutual respect between colleagues and the member must settle any dispute between him and one of the colleagues in the affairs of the profession by friendly means. If the dispute is not settled in this manner, the member of the Association may not take judicial proceedings against another member for reasons related to the profession without obtaining written permission to do so from the Council of the Association or from the President in case of urgency. If permission is not issued within a month from the date of submitting his application, he may take the necessary measures, and the member may not seek to marry a colleague in an ungenerous manner in any work related to the profession or the treatment of a patient, nor may he reduce the capabilities of his colleagues.
Article 28:
If a member replaces a colleague in his treatment center, he must not try to exploit this situation for his own benefit.
Article 29:
The member may not receive fees for the treatment of a colleague or the treatment of his wife and children.
Article 30:
If a member of a patient is invited to be treated by another colleague whose invitation is impossible, he must leave the completion of the treatment to his colleague as soon as he returns and inform him of the measures he has taken unless the patient or his family deems him to continue the treatment.
Article 31:
The member may not work in beauty centers or use his name in the management of these centers
Article 32:
The member may not treat a patient treated by a colleague in the hospital unless the hospital administration calls him to do so.
Article 33:
During his treatment of a patient, the member may not refuse the request of the patient and his family to invite another colleague to join him as a Consultation