16 April 2024 Meeting of the Supreme Committee for National Medical Records for Diseases and Epidemics

Prof. Mohamed Mostafa Lotayef Executive president, Egyptian Health Council, met with the Supreme Committee for National Medical Records for Diseases and Epidemics to discuss the work plan and draw a road map for preparing health statistics and maps for diseases in the various concerned sectors from the preventive medicine sector at the Ministry of Health and Population, the Health Insurance Authority, and the specialized medical councils, in cooperation. With the Ministry of Planning and Economic Development to link the health system to a unified database. This will contribute to knowing the size of diseases and the extent of their geographical spread, while linking them to birth and death rates and the extent to which medical facilities accommodate cases in normal times and times of pandemics and crises. It will also contribute to knowing the medical specialties and the training required for medical teams. Through accurate data and statistics that will be obtained from various parties to improve the quality of medical services provided to citizens.
The committee is composed of:
•  Dr. Wajdi Amin - Director General, Department of Chest Diseases, Ministry of Health.
•  Dr. Dalia Abdel Fattah Mohamed Mohamed - Lecturer - Department of Epidemiology of Tumors, National Cancer Institute - Cairo University.
•  Dr. Amani Sami Gayed Mikhail - Director General, Statistics Department at the Ministry of Health.
•  Eng. Mohamed Al-Sayed Abdel Azim Mohamed - Director of Information Infrastructure Projects, Ministry of Planning and Economic Development.
•  Mr. Ahmed Mohamed Ahmed Youssef - Director of Health Services and Initiatives Development Projects at the Ministry of Planning and Economic Development.
•  Dr. Ihab Abdel Aziz Ali Jalbat - Rapporteur, Eyes and Treatment Committee at State Expenses in the Specialized Medical Councils and Rapporteur, Visual Impairment Committee.
•  Dr. Amal Ali Abdel Aziz - Director, General Department of Pediatrics and School Students, General Authority for Health Insurance.
•  Eng. Hisham Samir Ahmed - Director, General Administration of Systems and Applications at the General Authority for Health Insurance.
•  Dr. Ihab Ahmed Ali Shaheen - Human Physician, General Administration, Control of Infectious Diseases (Preventive Medicine).
•  Dr. Marawi Ahmed Ibrahim - Pharmacist, General Administration for the Control of Infectious Diseases (Preventive Medicine).

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