Prof. Mohamed Mostafa Lotayef Executive president, Egyptian Health Council, met with the Supreme Committee, Egyptian Board of Dentistry to discuss the work plan and draw a road map for setting the rules and regulations governing the granting of the Egyptian Board of Dentistry certificate. This was in the presence of Prof. Hossam Hosny, Secretary General, Egyptian Health Council. He discussed many proposals to work on developing the Egyptian Board of Dentistry’s certificates and the possibility of introducing new specializations needed by the labor market inside and outside the Arab Republic of Egypt and setting new rules for accrediting training centers and trainees and rules for continuous follow-up to ensure that trainees obtain the required training in a way that allows them to strengthen the leadership of practicing the dental profession within Outside the Arab Republic of Egypt, the members nominated Prof. Tariq Salah El-Din Hussein as Chairman, Committee
The committee is composed of:
• Prof. Tariq Salah El-Din Hussein - Emeritus Professor - Former Dean, Faculty of Dentistry, Ain Shams University
• Prof. Abdel Fattah Abdel Mongy Abdel Fattah Sadaqa - Full Professor, Faculty of Dentistry, Tanta - and former President of Tanta University
• Prof. Ola Mustafa Mohamed Omar - Acting Dean, Faculty of Dentistry - Cairo University
• Prof. Dalia Ibrahim Muhammad Al-Qurashi - Acting Dean, Faculty of Dentistry - Ain Shams University
• Prof. Ahmed Adel Mohamed Abdel Hakim Gomaa – Dean, Faculty of Dentistry - Alexandria University
• Prof. Yasser Lotfy Abdel Nabi Mahmoud – Dean, Faculty of Dentistry - Mansoura University
• Prof. Tariq Salah El-Din Mohamed Morsi - Professor and Head, Department of X-ray Prosthetics, Faculty of Dentistry - Ain Shams University
• Prof. Azza Muhammad Amin Ezz Al-Arab - Professor, Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine - Cairo University
• Prof. Hossam Mohamed Essam El-Din Mohamed Tawfiq - Full Professor, Faculty of Dentistry - Ain Shams University
• Prof. Karen Suzan Muhammad Lotfy Dowidar - Emeritus Professor, Faculty of Dentistry - Alexandria University